Farnsworth Art Museum, Rockland, ME
Masheene, 2024 sculptural installation in cardboard/paperboard, paint and glue created by Vinalhaven School 7th Grade for Arts@theIntersection
Masheeene, 2024 Vinalhaven School 7th Grade
Arts@theIntersection is an educational outreach program hosted by the Farnsworth Art Museum with many partnering organizations in midcoast Maine. The program invites middle and high school students and their art teachers from six midcoast schools to collaborate with Farnsworth artist-educators and Maine artists to create artworks for a special, year-long museum exhibition. I joined the project in late January for an expedition to Herring Gut, where I met the Vinalhaven School seventh grade (six students). Over several months, on Vinalhaven and at the Farnsworth’s Gamble Studio, we worked together to develop and construct Masheene, a life-size vending machine filled with paper-made objects drawn from real-life and imagined. Masheene is fun and funny, smart and moody, lovingly crafted and whimsical—it’s a dream of a vending machine for 7th graders who connect with the mainland via the Vinalhaven ferry terminal. It also feels to me like a giant time capsule in the ways it expresses a moment in the students’ lives and their particular intersection with the Farnsworth program.
June 1, 2024 12:30-4pm | Opening Day Celebration at multiple venues in Rockland, ME
This is it!! The big reveal and opening day of this many months-long project with Alexis Saba and Emily Fisher of the Farnsworth Art Museum, Vinalhaven School 7th graders Wyatt, Olivia, Paxton, Jaxon, Maddy, Finn and Emma-Jean, and Vinalhaven art teacher Heather White. Come see Masheene, meet the artists, and watch a beeeuuuuutiful film about the program by Daniel Quintanilla.
12:30 Arrival + Red Carpet, Strand Theatre, 345 Main St
1:00pm Celebrations + Film Premiere, Strand Theatre
2:00 Student Exhibition Opening + Reception, Farnsworth Art Museum, 16 Main St.
This event hosted by the Farnsworth Art Museum is free and open to the public. More info and RSVP