Waterville Creates! program in Castonguay Square, corner of Common and Main in Waterville, ME
Join me outside the new Paul Schupf Art Center for Art in Park, we’ll be exploring scratchboard art techniques including ways to make your own from scratch -pun intended!
Waterville Creates has joined forces with the Waterville Public Library and the Colby College Museum of Art to offer dynamic, creative summer programming to provide arts experiences for all. This season kicks off with a new summer reading theme “All Together Now: Todos JuntosAhora (to-dos hune-tos a-or-da )” with stories and creations focusing on kindness, friendship, and unity. Each Thursday participants at Art in the Park can listen as a book is read aloud and create art work based on that book or community theme.
This program is free and open to all ages and levels of experience.
Scratch art sample on prepared paper with alcohol markers, baby bear inspired by a photograph by Joanne Weiss